Do you want to be a historian? The past information is buried under the ground or may have hidden. Are you ready to uncover all of this buried information? Then dig into our history quiz section and see how much you know about history.


You have 10 questions and 2 minutes to pass the quiz.


1 / 10

Who is the first president of United States of America?

2 / 10

Who is considered as India’s “Father of nation”?

3 / 10

Who created the first car in the world?

4 / 10

How many stars does the American Flag have?

5 / 10

Who was the first man on the moon?

6 / 10

In which date India became republic?

7 / 10

Who discovered America?

8 / 10

Name the ship that sunk by hitting an iceberg in 1912?

9 / 10

Who discovered light bulb?

10 / 10

How many Stripes does the United States of America’s flag have ?

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